Record of Game

Front of Card Back of Card
Card Front Card Back

If you will email me with an address "put Record of Game in the subject line" I will send you a card that you can write your name and license number on for your record of game. I'll also send a piece of laminating sheet to laminate it to keep it dry and neat. All you need is a bread-tie or small piece of wire or string to attach it to your game. I carry mine in my wallet with my bread-tie so I always have it.
   If you don't have a lifetime hunting license, let me know and I'll send you a card that just has "License #____".


This card is NOT a "license" or "permit"! It is simply something that will fit easily into your wallet or pocket, to put on your game to meet the ODWC's "Record of Game" law. The web master of The Oklahoma Outdoorsman (me) will not be liable for any false information put on any cards. The Oklahoma Hunting Guide & Regulation book says (and I quote):

"Field Tagging Requirements
   All hunters (including lifetime license holders) who harvest a deer, elk, antelope, turkey or bear must immediately attach a field tag, securely to the carcass, with their name, customer ID number and date and time of harvest.
   A field tag can be any item, so long as the tag contains the required information. This tag must remain with the carcass to its final destination or through processing and/or storage at commercial processing or storage facilities."

This card meets all ODWC regulations, as long as the hunter DOES NOT put an incorrect name or license number on it.

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